For those who have fallen
and those who still stand
you are our heroes who walk in the sand.
We love you for your dedication
and sacrifice without fear...
Army, Navy, Air Force Marines...
For you...We drink this beer.
Give these men a round of applause. I remember seeing them perform at Nuts & Bolts. Now, They are booked at the new club at Isleta Casino for the rest of October. Dont miss this show! It is well worth the short drive for the big sound of Missing Stateside.
Upcoming Shows
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Oct 31 2008
Isleta, New Mexico
Nov 1 2008
Isleta Casino’s 505 Fusion Club
Isleta, New Mexico
( view all )
Oct 31 2008
Isleta, New Mexico
Nov 1 2008
Isleta Casino’s 505 Fusion Club
Isleta, New Mexico